Eliminating the harmfulness of EMFs (including WiFi) in an area protected by MicroAlpha devices is a key element of recovery. See what such a globally unique strategy has given in our Garden Experiment - CLICK You have a one-year money-back guarantee. It is worth a try!
Free shipping over $500 CAD
Remove the causes of ADHD/ADD is the only option for prevention and recovery. - The best and only patented solution. Give it a try - you have a 1 year money back guarantee!
Solution - Buy It Here: | for ROOM | for Apartment | for HOME | for LARGE HOME | Just One Solution |
We will not delve into the medical side of the problem. That's what doctors are for!
Our goal is to remove the cause, and this definitely solves everything.
Our devices act as a water filter, eliminating the harmfulness of electromagnetic radiation passing through the surrounding space.
Why are we talking about this?
Please go to the symptom comparison chart now CLICK. This should explain the reasons as well as our patented method we use to solve the problem you are facing.
Symptoms - CLICK
The only right solution - Therapy of the 21st century! - True healing effect - aimed at making a person healthier quickly and protecting against EMF and WiFi damage. The therapy works around the clock, seven days a week at the level of the body's biofield.
There is one more and very strong factor underlying the emergence and occurrence of ADD/ADHD - the impact of electromagnetic fields (including WIFI).
The hypersensitivity of these people related to the impact of EMFs, including WIFI, causes the same disturbances of attention as, for example, loud noise coming from many places at once, which distracts even a healthy person.
We have observed this relationship many times in our practice.
Neutralizing this factor allows you to recover from ADD/ADHD! - link
The proven solution is here - link
Our customers also confirm this many times.
Symptoms of ADD and ADHD
In brackets are numbers matching listed (on right) symptoms for exposition to EMFs.
Symptoms of exposition to EMFs
All other symptoms are directly or indirectly related to above described symptoms.
Using state-of-the-art technology based on quantum mechanics, we have invented, patented and produced devices that 100% eliminate the harmful effects of all kinds of electromagnetic fields. Our devices are adapted to work in all spheres of human life and activity. Their effects are amazing.
It is necessary to protect the living space, or at least the part that is used the longest during the day. In the case of limited financial possibilities, a bedroom should be secured. A personal device - the Peace Ball necklace is an additional very important element of a quick recovery.
Living Space:
What is a 5G network?
5G is the fifth generation cellular network. It is the new global wireless standard over 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G networks. 5G is affecting every industry and health.
Which protection is "best" for me?
The Peace Ball is a personal active EMF and WIFI neutralizer that is designed to be worn by people as a necklace. It provides protection against the harmfulness of man-made and natural electromagnetic fields (EMF and WIFI) and provides therapy and Magnetopathic Treatment. Also provides accelerates regeneration, increases energy levels and more
The money back guarantee is increased:
as a response to drastic climate change in recent years.
For Peace Ball and Neutralizer - unlimited upgrades (unlimited)
For Peace Disk - no "money back" guarantee and no updates
Warranty conditions are explained here - CLICK
Exception – all neutralizers do not protect against heavy radiation such as x-rays - (gamma) or heavy particles (alpha and beta). They only protect against a wide spectrum of electromagnetic fields (from 0.01 Hz to over 300 GHz)
Total Protection - Buy it here
EMF Protection for ONE ROOM - total area below 270 sq ft. - for ONE Room (max. 16 ft. x 16 ft.) These neutralizers do not require an electrical ground connection.
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
EMF PROTECTION for APARTMENT (below 1,000 sq ft - above, use "Home EMF Protection") This These neutralizers do not require an electrical ground connection.
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
- total area below 2,500 sq ft - all floors (with basement if aplicable)
These neutralizers require an electrical ground connection.
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
- total area 2,500 to 10,000 sq ft - all floors (with basement if aplicable)
These neutralizers require an electrical ground connection.
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Just One Solution:
Our products make all EMFs harmless allowing full recovery.Read more
Solution is described on pages listed below. Depends on your observations you should have
Personal protection and treatment:Read more
EMF protection for specific area:Read more
Benefits, Origin and ProtectionRead more
Home EMF protection:Read more
Desperate Meassures - FactsRead more
There is one more and very strong factor underlying the emergence and occurrence of ADD/ADHD - the impact of electromagnetic fields (including WIFI).
The hypersensitivity of these people related to the impact of EMFs, including WIFI, causes the same disturbances of attention as, for example, loud noise coming from many places at once, which distracts even a healthy person.
We have observed this relationship many times in our practice.
Neutralizing this factor allows you to recover from ADD/ADHD! - link
The proven solution is here - link
Our customers also confirm this many times.
Symptoms are often misdiagnosed and misunderstood.
In other words - NO ONE KNOWS WHAT IT IS - but it is!
These are the symptoms of exposure to the negative impact of electromagnetic fields - EMF (including WiFi)!
Important - Prevention, permanent protection and recovery - CLICK
Warranty | Disclaimer | Waver - Personal & Peace Disk | Waver - Neutralizer | Waver - Tablet | Waver - Pets Products
Q & A FORUM: How it Works? ... Q&A | Q&A-1 | Q&A-2 || BLOGS: #1 Global Killer - BLOG | Health and EMFs - Questions & Answers - Blog | Flora, Fauna and EMFs - Blog
References | Testimonials | MicroAlpha Video Library | Our websites |